August 18, 2022

Total Commitment

Daily Devotional2 Minutes

“Carry no money belt, no bag, no sandals; and greet no one on the way.” – Luke 10:4 NASB

There they were in Indiana on the American frontier in the early 19th century. Even though conditions frequently were foreboding, the Holy Spirit brought waves of revival. Lives were changed by camp meetings. Churches were established in surroundings that were often crude.

Many men followed the call into ministry even though they had few possessions. In his autobiography, Joseph Tarkington, one of that day’s influential preachers, described how some ministers were forced to work in menial jobs just to get clothes to wear.

One of his focuses was James Sims, a man whose ministry had a significant impact. A woman who heard Sims speak described how he stood barefooted “as he delivered as good a sermon as she ever heard.” He knew what it was like to face tribulation, to persevere in hostile conditions, and to serve God faithfully, whether he had shoes or not.

Men like Sims were called to preach and didn’t let anything stop them. They were resolute, fearless men, full of power and the Holy Ghost. The opposition was strong, but these men made the breach in the wall of Satan and saved this country from heathendom.

God still looks for people with this same kind of commitment, who aren’t distracted by the things of the world, who won’t let anything stop them from serving Jesus, who are dedicated and unafraid. Dedicate yourself anew to the Gospel just as you are.

Reflection Question: Reflect on a powerful sermon you’ve heard and how it impacted you.

Father, I commit my life to You. I commit my time, talents, and treasures to You. Use me to impact lives for Your Kingdom. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Luke 10

Father, I commit my life to You. I commit my time, talents, and treasures to You. Use me to impact lives for Your Kingdom. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Luke 10