Tossed by Life’s Storms

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

“There arose a fierce gale of wind, and the waves were breaking over the boat so much that the boat was already filling up…And He got up and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, ‘Hush, be still.’ And the wind died down and it became perfectly calm.” Mark 4:37-39 NASB

Believers in the British Isles faced attacks that threatened their faith and the health of the church. Heresies had infiltrated the Body, and many realized that a “spiritual war” was necessary. In an account written in AD 731, a man we know as Venerable Bede described how these Christians sought help from the authorities on the continent.

Two priests, Germanus and Lupus, were chosen to “go into Britain to confirm it in the faith.” On their journey across the English Channel a violent storm arose. As Bede described, “The sails could not bear the fury of the winds, the sailors’ skill was forced to give way, the ship was sustained by prayer, not by strength.”

Just like Jesus on the Sea of Galilee, Germanus had fallen asleep. But when he was awakened, he recognized the spiritual opposition they were facing. He “admonished his companions, encouraged all, and all unanimously fell to prayer.” Their prayer was answered and the sea became calm. They proceeded to England, where the heresy was defeated and people recommitted themselves to God.

Today, millions of people around the world battle various storms of life. Many are being tossed and turned by the devil and his demons. Their minds are being twisted by deceptions. They are being tempted by false doctrines and misleading concepts. They need the Light of the Gospel.

God gives each of us the opportunity to help reach these lost and dying people. Dedicate yourself to live for Him. Pray for Souls. Support the work of evangelism. And dedicate your resources that more people might see the Light.


Prayer: Father, may Your Light shine brightly to the world and bring salvation to the nations. Give me a burden for Souls. May Your Kingdom come and Your will be done. In Jesus’ name. Amen.