The Sweetest Name

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

It is a book about songs. This book, “The Song of Solomon,” may more correctly be called the “Song of Songs.”

Thinking about this as a book of songs gives us a unique perspective, particularly when we realize that these are love songs. From a human perspective the focus is on the relationship between a man and a woman.

But these songs are found in the Bible in part because they point us in a different direction to understand the love that God has for us, how we respond to that love, and to understand how His love inspired Him to send Jesus into this world.

We see this theme in the first few verses, where the focus is on love.

This theme, the love of Jesus, is the story of so many believers, whose lives have been changed by the Savior. Who are so grateful for all that He has done. This is the story of many who have accomplished great things for the Kingdom, but also those who are relatively unknown, like Lela B. Long.

Today, little is known about Lela, except that she clearly loved Jesus. This is the clear message that emerges from “Jesus is the Sweetest Name I Know,” a hymn she wrote sometime in the early years of the 20th century.

Of all the names she knew, none was as dear as “the precious, precious Name of Jesus.” His name was “the sweetest name I know.” But she found that Jesus Himself was “just the same as His lovely Name, and that’s the reason why I love Him so.” She looked forward to seeing Him face-to-face, when she could “thank and praise Him for His wondrous grace.”

Can you say that you are in love with Jesus? Remember, He loves you!