The Spirit at Rest

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

On the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit fell suddenly. Dramatically. With life-changing force. With “a noise like a violent rushing wind.” The disciples saw the visible impact of the Spirit as “there appeared to them tongues as of fire distributing themselves.”

Then, these tongues of fire “rested” on each person. The Bible uses a Greek word that means to sit down. In the midst of this violence, here was a picture of rest. Calm and tranquility.

They were to learn that the Spirit was not merely a force of power. He could disrupt and intervene in supernatural ways. His power could open blind eyes and part the waters of the sea. But He also came to provide rest. To comfort us. To be a welcome guest. To give us peace.

When the Spirit fell, it was not a movement, or an event. He came in a personal way. He came not just for believers as a whole, but for every person. For each man and woman, as individuals. He was there to establish a relationship with each one. To supply what each person needed. To enable people to do what God had called them to do.

We see this insight in Paul’s description of the fruit of the Spirit, which includes peace and gentleness (Galatians 5:22-23). For the Spirit is with us all the time. In the storms, and the stillness of the night. When we need guidance and miracles. And when we need peace.

That same Spirit is with you, right now. Welcome Him. Learn to hear His voice, and allow Him to speak to you. To change your life. To fill you with the power of God and give you His joy and goodness, kindness and self-control. But also to give you faithfulness, love, gentleness, patience, and peace.