The Home

The Home

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

Homes were central to the early church. Believers met in homes and learned the Gospel. Homes also were important for Romans. Historian Philip Freeman describes how religion was centered in the home for Romans. “Every Roman home held a small cupboard with their sacred images.” In their own way, the Romans were religious. Their state religion “grew out of household worship.” Their temples “functioned essentially as large household shrines.”

When we read Paul’s letter to the Romans, we should remember his understanding of Roman culture and sensitivity to the role of families and God’s desire to reshape the homes of believers.

We read that Paul greeted Prisca and Aquila and “the church that is in their house.” He also greeted those who were in the “household of Aristobulus” and Narcissus (v. 10-11). We can be sure these people knew the typical Roman attitude toward homes and household religious images. But they had made Jesus the center of their homes instead.

The Bible makes clear that the home is central to God’s plan for His creation. Strong family relationships were foundational for the health of the body of Christ. And the strongest foundation of all is to make Jesus “the cornerstone” of our families (Ephesians 2:20).

Make Christ the cornerstone of your home. Make your home a place where He is honored, where you study, pray, and share the Gospel, and where others can sense His presence and grow in their faith.