July 30, 2022

The Glory of the Lord

Daily Devotional2 Minutes

“The glory of the God of Israel was coming from the way of the east … the earth shone from His glory … The glory of the LORD entered the house by way of the gate facing east … the glory of the LORD filled the house.” – Ezekiel 43:2-5 NASB

In his vision, Ezekiel experienced something extraordinary. An experience beyond anything he could imagine or even describe. He saw the glory of God. How important was this? Four separate times in the space of just a few words, he talked about this glory.

What exactly is the “glory of the LORD? The root word here indicates something heavy and weighty, a great burden. We see how God’s glory might feel like a weight, something that is deep and profound, something supernatural. This glory can change our lives. Indeed, it is the very essence of God Himself. The experience of His glory is a moment we touch the supernatural and get a glimpse of His nature.

Many people never experience this glory. We can be blocked and blinded when we focus on this world when we are consumed with our own interests, when we are dominated by the superficial things of the flesh, or when we don’t seek God.

How do we see this glory? Like Ezekiel, we will see God’s glory when we humble ourselves before Him, open our hearts to Him, spend time in His presence, fill our minds and hearts with His Word, be filled with His Spirit, and surrender our lives to please Him.

Seek a deeper dimension in your relationship with God. Seek to know Him more intimately. Cry out for more of His presence. Serve Him. Worship Him.

Reflection Question: When and where have you seen God’s glory displayed?




Father, I long to experience Your glory. May my life bring You glory. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Ezekiel 43

Father, I long to experience Your glory. May my life bring You glory. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Ezekiel 43