The Face of a Life Transformed

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

People throughout Jerusalem were stirred by the ministry of Stephen. His messages had depth and sincerity. He demonstrated the reality of the Gospel, how People throughout Jerusalem were stirred by the ministry of Stephen. His messages had depth and sincerity.

Far from pleased, the religious leaders reacted with rage. They felt his message violated their beliefs and God’s laws. They concluded that he had to be silenced.

They criticized and threatened him. But, no matter what they said, nothing could change his appearance. In fact, he seemed to be so transformed that his face looked like an angel.

The same kind of reaction took place for Moses when he was alone with God. His face became radiant. Everything changed (Exodus 34:29).

This is the kind of transformation that takes place when we are in God’s presence. When we read His Word and pray. When we enter into worship and praise. In these kinds of intimate moments when His presence is so real!

Through these times, God can give us new attitudes and outlooks. He can change our hearts. Replace our worries with peace. Replace fear with confidence. Others may disagree with us, but no one can argue with a life that has been transformed. A person who really knows God, not just knows about Him.

What do people see when they look at your face? Are you projecting anxiety or fear? Worry or doubt? Or are you filled with the joy, peace, and love of God? Ask God to transform your life. Allow His Spirit to flow through you, That others may see His transforming power in everything you say and do.