July 28, 2023

Take My Hand

Daily Devotional2 Minutes

“I, the Lord, have called you to demonstrate my righteousness. I will take you by the hand and guard you.”—Isaiah 42:6 NLT

The daughter of a teacher, Julie Katharina von Hausmann became a poet. Many of her poems became the bases of hymns. Born in 1826 in Riga, Latvia, she worked as a governess but found herself spending more time caring for her father, who had gone blind. She also experienced health problems of her own.

She found herself stretched by these experiences, but they also taught her many spiritual truths. She learned that God was with her in every situation and that she could depend on Him. Her most popular hymn summarized what she had learned. It was called “Lord, Take My Hand and Lead Me.”

She desired to linger at Jesus’ feet and learn from Him so that He would be with her “through night and darkness.”

This hymn became a source of encouragement particularly for young people who were beginning their spiritual journey. It was a prayer that God would lead His people throughout their lives—to stay by their side and keep them from wandering, to trust Him to help them make the right decisions, and to find strength in His presence.

Today, realize that God is by your side. Don’t take Him for granted or rush away. Linger at His feet—listening, praying, sharing your deepest needs with Him. Remember that you always can turn to Him. Trust in Him to guide you and help you make the right decisions.

Reflection Question: Write a prayer sharing your deepest concerns with God.

Father, thank You for being with me. Help me trust in You. Speak to me. Lead me. Guide me. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Isaiah 42

Father, thank You for being with me. Help me trust in You. Speak to me. Lead me. Guide me. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Isaiah 42