A Spiritual Battle

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

From the opening sentences of the book of Daniel, it is clear that he was involved in a fierce spiritual struggle. The people and vessels of God had been carried away to a foreign land. There they would face a series of conflicts with the people of the land, who served the gods of the Babylonians.

The truths that emerge from Daniel flow from this profound confrontation between worldviews. We see insights about health and diet…how to be the best managers and professionals…how to achieve success and advance in a career…how to react to pressure situations…and how to resist the temptation to compromise.

The book also includes keys for developing the right priorities…obtaining wisdom and making decisions…achieving personal fulfillment….having the right perspective on current events…and planning for the future.

The people of Babylon had attitudes that flowed from their worldview and religion. In the same way, Daniel and his friends demonstrated why faith in God is superior in every way.

In our time, we are involved in similar challenges. As the book of Daniel illustrates, the central issue of our lives is our relationship with God. We, too, encounter conflicts with people who serve other gods and who have different belief structures. Like the Babylonians, the enemies of God today seek to capture His holy vessels by intimidating us into abandoning God’s standards.

Like Daniel, we are called to be uncompromising, yet have a Christ-like attitude. We are called to be witnesses for God in everything we do. And through our lives, we’re called to show how obeying God’s instructions will lead to success.

Today, remember that you are in a battle. Stay strong and focused. Be committed to serving God, unwavering in your faith.