Signs of the Times

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

On September 21, 1938, most people in the northeast United States went about their lives as if everything was normal. Almost no one realized they were about to be hit with one of the most destructive hurricanes in American history—and the first to strike that region in almost 200 years.

Even as this storm approached Long Island with wind speeds of more than 200 miles per hour, the National Weather Bureau dropped the word “hurricane” from its forecast. Compared to today’s professionals, those forecasters had a limited understanding of the signs. Ignoring readings from their instruments, they failed to believe that a storm of this magnitude could strike that far north.

Author William Manchester tells the story of a Long Island man whose new barometer arrived in the mail that very morning. He became annoyed because “the needle pointed below 29, where the dial read ‘Hurricanes and Tornadoes.’” This seemed impossible, so he “shook it and banged it against a wall.” But “the needle wouldn’t budge.” Indignant, he repacked it, drove it to the post office, and mailed it back. While he was gone, his house blew away! He had refused to believe the signs.

Jesus described how many people “cannot discern the signs of the times.” They are unprepared for events in their lives and in the world. Today, God’s plans are unfolding. Prophecies are being fulfilled. Ask God to open your eyes and give you discernment about the signs. Read His Word. Pray. Stay faithful. Don’t be surprised—be ready!