Serious Prayer

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

Darius had no choice. When Daniel, his most trusted advisor, was caught praying to God, Darius knew he was required to sentence him to the lion’s den. He’d been tricked into approving a law that no one could “petition to any god or man” except him for thirty days. However, before the den was sealed, he told Daniel he hoped he would be saved.

Darius could have assumed the matter was closed, but he didn’t give up. Instead, he set aside his normal activities and spent the night fasting, seeking God as best he could on behalf of his friend. In the morning, he “went in haste to the lions’ den” and was overjoyed to learn that Daniel had been spared! What a powerful testimony that Daniel truly was the “servant of the living God…whom you constantly serve.”

The Bible says Daniel was saved “because he had trusted in his God.” But Darius, too, may have played a part. When no one else in the kingdom seemed to care or believe, Darius spent time praying and fasting for God’s intervention.

Today, how do you react to problems in your life and the world? Do you pray halfheartedly, without conviction? If you don’t see immediate results, do you give up and stop trying? The Bible reminds us that prayer is powerful, but we must pray “without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). We must remember, and believe, that “the effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much” (James 5:16).

Right now, commit your needs to God. Pray seriously. Pray fervently. And remember to pray for your country and the world.