Selfless, Ready, Faithful

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

It can be argued that Ananias was one of the most important people in the New Testament. He was specially selected for a highly sensitive assignment: The man called to pray for Saul, after Jesus had appeared to him on the road to Damascus.

Yet all we know about Ananias comes from a few verses. But what we read reveals much about his character, and why he was so trustworthy.

First, he was a disciple. A true follower of Jesus. A man confident in his relationship with the Lord. A spiritually-sensitive man with the discernment to recognize when God spoke to him through a supernatural vision.

Ananias had reservations about his assignment. He could have been paralyzed with fear. But Ananias was ready to obey God, in spite of the risks. Yes, he had questions, but he was willing to bring them to God. He became convinced that He could be trusted. Then Ananias obeyed.

Having played such an instrumental role in Christian history, we can be amazed to see how he slipped back into anonymity. Paul would go on to have a visible role in the early church. But Ananias was willing simply to serve, to let Paul and others get the attention.

In how many ways are we inspired to learn from Ananias? Like him, are we ready to follow Jesus wherever He leads? Always ready to focus on His assignments for us? Always seeking to be sure about our relationship with Him? Always open to the leading of His Spirit? Always ready to put aside dangers and fears, simply trusting Him? Always ready to serve, and let others get the glory?