November 8, 2022

Seek the Lord

Daily Devotional2 Minutes

“Seek the LORD, all you humble of the earth who have practiced His ordinances; seek righteousness, seek humility. Perhaps you will remain hidden on the day of the LORD’s anger.” – Zephaniah 2:3 NASB

John Dickinson “lived one of the most extraordinary political lives of all America’s founding fathers.” Born in Maryland, he received a legal education in England. When he returned to America, he became an influential voice, writing essays distributed in America, England, and France.

However, he failed to receive the fame granted to many other founders because he opposed independence. Instead, he sought to reconcile the colonies with England and did not sign the Declaration of Independence. Yet he gained respect even among those who disagreed with him and went on to hold positions of importance in the new nation.

One reason for this respect was Dickinson’s character and his Christian faith. He urged others to base their lives on the Bible, which can “make us wise for salvation, through faith which is in Jesus Christ” (2 Timothy 3:15 NKJV).

He also stressed how important it was to realize that someday all of us will face God. He stated his conviction that there will be a Day of Judgment when each person will be evaluated.

Some day you will give an account of your life. You will be judged not according to your popularity or stand on political issues but on the condition of your heart and whether you are right with God.

Be sure you are ready. Seek the Lord. Humble yourself before Him. And serve Him with your whole heart.

Reflection Question: Do your character and faith shine for others to see clearly what you believe?

Father, I humble myself before You. Help me to serve You. Use me to reach the lost with the Gospel. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Zephaniah 2

Father, I humble myself before You. Help me to serve You. Use me to reach the lost with the Gospel. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Zephaniah 2