September 17, 2022


Daily Devotional2 Minutes

“These are all the years of Abraham’s life, 175 years. Abraham breathed his last and died at a good old age, an old man and satisfied with life.” – Genesis 25:7-8 NASB

The Bible provides an honest account of Abraham’s life, including his mistakes and moments of doubt. Even though he was imperfect, God used and blessed him because he was willing to obey God and live by faith.

The Bible says at the end of Abraham’s life, he was satisfied. He did not just live a long time. His life was full, complete, and rewarding in every sense of those words. He did not die with any kind of discontentment or regret.

Many people are obsessed with prolonging their lives. The Bible reminds us that long life by itself does not necessarily result in satisfaction. The complete satisfaction Abraham found was a life in which he had enough of everything and maximum contentment. His life was filled with peace because it was a life spent trusting God.

How did Abraham become so satisfied? By examining his life, we realize he was willing to follow God where He led him, even if this meant leaving everything behind. He recognized God had a call on his life and tried to follow that call, putting God above everything and everyone else. Abraham always sought to do His will.

When Abraham made mistakes, he allowed God to correct him. When given a choice between accumulating wealth or following God, he chose to follow God. Most importantly, he learned to walk by faith (Hebrews 11:8-10), trusting God to meet his needs and direct him.

If you want maximum satisfaction, seek to follow Abraham’s example. Dedicate your life to serving God. Surrender your life to Him. Trust Him. Walk by faith, and trust Him to direct your steps.

Reflection Question: Are you satisfied and content with your life? Why or why not?

Father, help me to be satisfied with my life. Take away any worry or fear. Give me contentment. I trust in You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Genesis 25

Father, help me to be satisfied with my life. Take away any worry or fear. Give me contentment. I trust in You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Genesis 25