Right Before Our Face

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

They can be “right before our faces.” Perhaps hobbies or interests. Habits or personal preferences. Things that can seem innocent. So harmless that we might not realize that they are controlling us. Dominating our schedules. Shaping our thoughts and feelings. They can become obsessions, and even develop into idols. Things that might be leading us into sin.

Some people in Ezekiel’s time had such idols. And God knew that they had become stumbling blocks that blinded them, and kept them from seeing the truth, or serving Him.

The same thing can happen to any of us. This is why we need God’s objective discernment. His help in setting the right priorities. Why we need to seek first His Kingdom, and trust Him for everything else.

This also is why we need to make His Word the standard for our lives. Not our subjective interpretations. Not the opinions of others. Not allowing ourselves to re-interpret the Bible to meet our own personal desires and justify our own interests.

But allowing the pure Word to penetrate our lives. As a mirror. To realize that His Word is completely objective and always true. That it can reveal our innermost thoughts, and help us see ourselves in His perfect light (Hebrews 4:12-13).

We also need to open our lives before God through times of prayer. To ask Him to search our hearts and minds. To review every habit and hobby. Every thought and activity. To be open to the conviction of His Spirit. To be ready to change, as He directs us.

Today, ask God to examine your life. Your habits and interests. How you spend your time and money. Ask Him for discernment. Don’t let any thing or person control you. Let God set you free!