Resurrection Hope

Resurrection Hope

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries1 Minutes

Sometime around 1888, Austrian conductor and composer Gustav Mahler completed the first movement of a new symphony that depicted a hero who had experienced hopelessness. For years, Mahler had struggled in vain to finish the symphony, unable to find a satisfactory resolution. But everything changed on March 29, 1894.

While attending a funeral that day, Mahler heard the choir sing the Resurrection chorale by German poet Friedrich Klopstock. It was, as Mahler recalled, like a flash of lightning. Mahler realized that the solution to his unfinished symphony was in resurrection. The resurrection brings meaning to life, for instead of the dark conclusion of death, we can have hope.

This realization inspired Mahler to complete his composition, which became known as The Resurrection Symphony. Celebrating Jesus triumphal resurrection, Mahler’s symphony continues to inspire audiences to this day. Sadly, however, although Mahler’s music celebrated Christ’s triumph, he never fully embraced the power of the Lord’s resurrection in his personal life.

Many people are like Mahler. They know about the resurrection but are not transformed by it. The resurrection is a fact of history, and it literally changes everything. It gives life meaning and unleashes God’s power in all who believe. The resurrection makes it possible for us to live in victory!

Are you being transformed through God’s resurrection power? Jesus has overcome death, and through Him you’re more than a conqueror. Don’t accept defeat. Believe God and receive full victory. Today!