Rekindle the Gift

Rekindle the Gift

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

Timothy was special to Paul. He knew that Timothy had received a strong spiritual foundation from his grandmother and mother. Paul himself had laid hands on Timothy. He had been empowered by the Holy Spirit, anointed, and called by God.

Yet Paul felt compelled to remind Timothy about a need to “fan into flame the gift of God.” Paul used a Greek word that suggests not running away but returning into the fire.

This suggests that a flame once burned brighter in Timothy’s life but had grown dim. Perhaps Timothy had allowed himself to become spiritually weak. Perhaps he had become afraid, timid, or overwhelmed. The answer? To rekindle the gift he had received. But how?

First, he needed to dedicate himself more to God’s Word and spend more time listening to sound teaching. Then, Timothy needed to be more active on behalf of the Gospel and not to “be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord, nor of me his prisoner” (v. 8)

He needed to “share in suffering for the Gospel by the power of God,” to draw on the strength of the Holy Spirit, to deepen his prayer life, and to act more boldly in faith.

Ask God to help you rekindle the flame within you, for a greater dedication to His Word, and a more vibrant prayer life. Be filled with the Spirit and face life unafraid, knowing that God has equipped and called you.