June 7, 2022

Rejection and Criticism

Daily Devotional2 Minutes

“This is what the LORD says concerning the people of Anathoth, who are seeking your life, saying, ‘Do not prophesy in the name of the LORD, so that you will not die at our hand … I will bring disaster on the people of Anathoth.'” – Jeremiah 11:21, 23 NASB

Located a short distance from Jerusalem, Anathoth was a town assigned to the priests (Joshua 21:3, 18). As the birthplace of Jeremiah (Jeremiah 1:1), the town had a special meaning for him. Anathoth comes from a root word meaning answer. Perhaps this was a place where people had found answers when they searched for God.

Regardless of its history, its people had become spiritually closed minded. Upset about Jeremiah’s message, they demanded he stop prophesying “in the name of the Lord” even threatening to kill him (v. 21).

This had to concern Jeremiah. He must have been bothered that people in his hometown would not receive his message. He must have felt pain because the judgment would be coming on his people.

Jesus had a similar experience, for the people in Nazareth rejected him. He observed, “A prophet is not dishonored except in his hometown” (Mark 6:4).

This can happen to anyone. For several reasons, we might find ourselves rejected by friends or family and criticized even if we are faithful to God. We need to remember that God sees our hearts. He asks us to remain focused on His assignments, seeking first His Kingdom even if others reject us.

If you seek to please God, people may not understand or agree with you. You may be criticized. Remember, it’s more important to please God than other people, no matter who they are.


Reflection Question: Reflect on a time when you were criticized for being a Christian.

Father, help me please You. Correct me when I am wrong. Guide and lead me. Help me stay strong in Your Spirit. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Jeremiah 11

Father, help me please You. Correct me when I am wrong. Guide and lead me. Help me stay strong in Your Spirit. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Jeremiah 11