Ready to Help

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

Looking over the city of Jerusalem, Jesus knew everything about their past and present, and their future. He knew the problems they faced, and their attempts to develop solutions. But He also knew that their efforts would fail, while He knew exactly what they needed to do. He knew what would happen unless they turned to Him.

Jesus knew that His people had a history of rejecting God’s willingness to help, even killing those sent as His messengers. Continuing that attitude, they were refusing to turn to Jesus in their hour of need. And He was grieved by their rejection, compelled to watch as they made wrong decisions, and embraced philosophies that sounded attractive, but would fail.

Because of their rejection, they would be left desolate. Abandoned to their own ideas, lost without the help He was ready to provide. No wonder His heart was broken for His people. By their choices, they were destined to experience even more problems.

In similar ways, we can imagine how Jesus grieves over the problems in the world today. We see nations and people developing many explanations. Trying many solutions, but so often ignoring His Word.

Today, picture Jesus looking at your life. He knows everything about you, and the problems you face right now, and in the future. Remember that He is ready to give you the answers that really work. Don’t be like ancient Jerusalem, and refuse to listen. Don’t go your own way or adopt the theories and explanations of the world around you.

Let Him give you the wisdom you need. Let Him guide you and direct your steps.