
Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries3 Minutes

“She turned around and saw Jesus standing there…‘Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?’ Supposing Him to be the gardener, she said to Him, ‘Sir, if you have carried Him away, tell me where you have laid Him, and I will take Him away.’ Jesus said to her, ‘Mary!’ She turned and said to Him in Hebrew, ‘Rabboni!’ (which means, Teacher).” John 20:14-16 NASB

We learn a lot about people from their instinctive, immediate reactions to situations. Here, in John’s account of the resurrection, we see how Mary Magdalene reacted to Jesus.

She had been through an emotional ringer. She had come to the tomb, expecting to find Jesus’ body. To her surprise, the stone had been removed and He wasn’t there. She told Peter and John, who ran to the tomb and saw for themselves.

But, when they returned to their homes, Mary was left there, alone, “weeping outside the tomb.” As she stood there, Jesus approached her, but she did not recognize Him. But, as soon as He spoke her name, she knew that this was Jesus.

How did she react? She simply said, “Rabboni!” John said that this Aramaic word means “Teacher.” W.E. Vine, a twentieth-century scholar, said that this probably was a title given “to the president of the Sanhedrin.” It also indicated an additional level of respect and signified “My great master.” This word clearly revealed that Mary thought of Jesus not just as a teacher, but a great teacher. The person who had taught her so many truths!

There were many ways Mary could have looked at Jesus. To her, He was Rabboni. Her great Master. Her respected Teacher. Her Lord.

There are many ways people look at Jesus today. Some consider Him to have been a prophet or perhaps a wise man. He was those things, and more. He was the Son of God. The Messiah. And He was a Great Teacher. Rabboni.


Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for all You have taught me. Open my eyes to understand more of Your Truth. Thank You for rising from the dead and giving me new life. In Your name. Amen.