Praying for the Lost

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

As a child, Charles Spurgeon, who was born in England on this day in 1834, regularly gathered with his family to read the Bible. During these times, his mother explained the Scriptures. But in his youth Spurgeon rebelled and embraced a life of independence. His mother was concerned about her son, knowing that he was strong-willed. Yet, she kept praying for him.

According to Spurgeon’s biographer, W.Y. Fullerton, young Spurgeon gradually began to struggle with sin in his life. But he soon realized he was rebelling against God and began to feel conviction. He later confessed, “Day and night God’s hand was heavy on me.” He cried out to God, but could not seem to get victory.

Then on Sunday, January 6, 1850, a snowstorm prevented him from reaching the church he planned to attend. Instead, he turned into the Primitive Methodist Chapel in Colchester, England. As he looked around, he saw that only about 15 people were in attendance.

That morning, the minister spoke on Isaiah 45. His delivery was not eloquent, but Spurgeon felt convicted as he heard God’s Word: “Look unto me, and be ye saved” (KJV). During the message, the pastor spoke directly to Spurgeon: “Young man, you look very miserable…Look to Jesus Christ! Look! Look! Look! You have nothin’ to do but to look and live.” Spurgeon responded to this simple word and was saved that day.

Everything changed, and he became passionate about his faith. He went on to become one of the most important preachers of the 19th century. Through more than 3,000 sermons, he led thousands of people to faith in Christ. His writings and messages still impact lives today.

Do you know someone who needs salvation or is resisting the call of God? Do not give up on them. Keep praying for the lost and believing. God is faithful.