Practical Tools

Practical Tools

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

With God, nothing is impossible! He is the God of the supernatural. But His Word also stresses the importance of being practical. If we want to be successful, we need to do the practical things He encourages.

The Bible urges us to keep “abreast of the facts.” This means not just following our emotions but doing the necessary research on history and backgrounds and evaluating the experiences of others.

The Bible also stresses the importance of being wise planners – not just leaping into projects but being sure about our goals and creating a path to keep us on course. These practical steps can help bring us success. But the real key is being guided by God’s wisdom and having His blessing.

Approaching each project, we need to be sure to pray about the matter and are confident we are in tune with God. Our actions must be consistent with His Word. We must prayerfully evaluate our options and develop strategies that are pleasing to Him.

Make sure to commit every project to God. Be confident that He desires to help you succeed, but be careful to submit every idea to Him. Seek His wisdom. Do the necessary research. Study the facts. Develop a wise plan, guided by Biblical principles. Always seek to be in tune with His Spirit. It’s important to make plans, but it is more important to allow God to direct our steps (Proverbs 16:9).