
Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

Persuasion is a critical subject for businesses and for anyone in sales or marketing. Advertising professionals know that persuasion is central to their craft. But it needs to be learned and refined. To that end, advertising legend William Bernbach once commented, “Advertising isn’t a science. It’s persuasion. And persuasion is an art.”

Bookshelves are filled with recommendations from experts sharing their insights on persuasion. Countless seminars teach the strategies and techniques of persuasion. Some people seem naturally persuasive, while others struggle with this.

The Bible provides important keys to being persuasive. We’re told that it can come through “long forbearing and calmness of spirit.” This means persevering and being persistent, even over long periods of time. It means also remaining calm and patient.

This approach, we are told, is how to persuade a “ruler” or anyone in a position of authority. We are not to worry if they aren’t persuaded immediately. Instead, we must focus on obeying and trusting God, knowing that He is with us in every negotiation. This means we can be confident, with the patience to persevere through any circumstance. This attitude works because it demonstrates that we’re people of purpose, refusing to give in to panic.

The Bible consistently reminds us of the importance of persistence. Jesus told a parable about a judge who refused to listen to the plea of a widow. But he finally gave in because she wore him out. Through this story, Jesus was demonstrating that God’s people should be persistent, and “at all times they ought to pray and not to lose heart” (Luke 18:1-8).

What “rulers” do you face? Ask God to give you His favor. He will give you the wisdom to know what to say and how to say it. Always remember to be calm and persistent, a person of steady faith. You can be bold and confident, because you trust in God.