One Thing

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

If God asked you what one thing was most important to you, what you would answer? Riches? Relationships? Experiences? Achievements? Praise? Appreciation? Pleasures? Health?
In this psalm, David gave his answer. He said that there was only one thing that he asked from God: that he would dwell in His house “all the days of my life.” In this place his life could be overwhelmed with God’s presence. There, he could behold His beauty and “meditate in His temple.”

God’s presence was so wonderful to David that this was what he desired more than anything else. David knew that everything changed when he was with God. He knew that He would give him peace, wisdom, and a deep, supernatural satisfaction that passed understanding. And he knew that in His presence David experienced “fullness of joy” and “pleasures forever” (Psalm 16:11).
David also depended on God for protection. In times of trouble, he knew that we can be tempted to rely on armies or weapons, or escape to a guarded fortress. But David knew that being with God is the safest place to be. He promises to conceal us, hide us, and even lift us “up on a rock.”

In your life, remember that the things of this world can only provide temporary rewards, and short-term satisfaction. They may provide relief, but none of their benefits last.

Instead, set your heart on spending time with God. Listen to His voice. Read His Word. Learn the principles that help you experience victory. Worship Him. Spend time in prayer. In His presence, He will give you His assurance and protection. And He will give you fullness of joy and pleasures forever.