Your Noble Legacy

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

When Swedish industrialist, Alfred Nobel, died on this day in 1896, the world knew him best for his success as a businessman and as the man who invented dynamite. But in his later years Nobel was troubled by the destruction caused by his mighty invention.

That invention had helped him become wealthy, but he felt an obligation to use the resources he had received to do something positive, something that made a difference in the world. And he was concerned about the kind of legacy that he left behind.

In his will, Nobel stipulated that income from his estate was to be used for awards recognizing people who had made valuable contributions to humanity. The first of these Nobel Prizes was presented in 1901. They still are awarded every year, honoring significant contribution for economics, physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, and peace.

All of us need to consider the legacy we will leave behind. What will people say about our lives? What difference will we have made? What have we done with the things God has given us?

After Jesus died, Peter and the other disciples could point to the legacy He had left. He described how Jesus had been anointed by the Holy Spirit, healing all who were oppressed by the devil, and doing good. He provided the example for all of us to follow.

Today, think about your legacy. What will you have to show from your life? What are you doing with the things that God has given you? How have you used your time, talent, and treasure?

Do not waste your opportunities. Make sure that you are investing your resources in God’s Kingdom. Make your life count for eternity.