Near to God’s Heart

Near to God’s Heart

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

Cleland Boyd McAfee spent most of his life in ministry. Born in Missouri on this day in 1866, he pastored churches but also spent almost twenty years at Park College, serving as faculty, chaplain, and choir director. He also taught at McCormick Theological Seminary.

In 1903, he faced a crisis as two of his nieces died from diphtheria. As he dealt with his grief, McAfee wrote a hymn called “There Is a Place of Quiet Rest.”

He wrote about a place that was “near to the heart of God.” It was a place “where sin cannot molest,” a place “of comfort sweet,” where we meet our Savior, a place of “full release … where all is joy and peace.” As McAfee prayed, “O Jesus, blest Redeemer, sent from the heart of God, hold us who wait before Thee near to the heart of God.”

As we face life’s problems, it can be hard to rest in God, and it’s easy to be worried or afraid. When we go through conflicts, we can become anxious. When we have uncertainty or loss, we can become tense. But the Bible reminds us that the Lord is our Shepherd. He is ready to lead us and gather us in His arms.

Today, still your heart. Enter that place of quiet rest. Commit every situation you face to God. Let Him take away your burdens and give you His peace.