Mixing with the Nations

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

Part of the reason Israel (“Ephraim”) had so many problems was because they had become polluted by the people around them. Instead of realizing that they had drifted away from God, they had become spiritually blind. God told them, “Though the pride of Israel testifies against him, yet they have not returned to the LORD their God, nor have they sought Him.” Simply they trusted in themselves.

Instead of depending on Him as their Rock, “Ephraim has become like a silly dove, without sense; they call to Egypt, they go to Assyria.” They were not stable and not even sure of what they believed or whom to trust.

Israel was demonstrating a pattern that still is true today: How easy it can be to focus on the world, and even our own thoughts and ideas, to become self-sufficient, and stop seeking the Lord. But God wants us to remember to trust in Him all the time. We must never become self-confident or allow our lives to be corrupted by the world. We need to stay humble before Him. To trust in Him. To depend on Him.

Today, ask God to examine your life. Have you been corrupted by the world? Have you become proud? Are you depending on yourself, your resources, and your own abilities? Or are you resolutely depending on Him, and seeking first His kingdom?

Evaluate your loyalties and priorities. And think about how you spend your life and resources. Return to the Lord. Seek Him with your whole heart. Humble yourself before Him. Recommit your life to Him. Fill your mind with His Word. Make Him your Rock, and depend on Him!