Man’s Solution; God’s Solution

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

He was a hero to his people. For many, the model of how they expected God would save His people. He was Judas Maccabeus.

His father, Mattathias, a dedicated priest, rose to prominence in 175 BC during a time when Judea was controlled by the Seleucids (the people who ruled the region after Alexander the Great died). In 175 BC, one of those Seleucids, Antiochus IV, gained power in Judea. He vowed to “rid the world” of the Jews. He banned Sabbath observation and reading the Law. Jerusalem was invaded and the Holy of Holies was violated.

Some Jews, led by Mattathias, determined to fight this tyranny. After Mattathias died, Judas Maccabeus, became the leader. Antiochus sought to repress their revolt with a huge army. Judas and his forces had few weapons, but they were encouraged when they remembered how God saved their ancestors at the Red Sea. They cried out to God for help, and He gave them a great victory.

The Romans responded with an even larger army, but Judas again was victorious. The temple was cleansed and proper worship restored. Their victory led to the celebration of Hanukah.

For a time, the Jews controlled their land. Eventually Rome gained control. Yet, throughout this time, many held out hope that God might raise another man like Judas Maccabeus.

But God had a different plan. At just the right time, He sent Jesus as a baby into the world to be the real Messiah. Many hoped that He might be a warrior like Judas, and lead them to political independence. But Jesus brought another kind of kingdom. He changed lives. He brought peace with God and forgiveness of sins. He demonstrated God’s love and power, and His wisdom.

He still is our Savior. He is God’s solution in history, today and for you!