Making God’s Word Known

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

On this day in 1535, London printer Miles Coverdale published the first complete English translation of the entire Bible. Influenced by Martin Luther, Coverdale felt compelled to make the Bible available in English, so all who spoke that language could read the Word and know its truths in their lives.

This translation was so widely respected that Coverdale was asked to oversee the preparation of an official version, known as the Great Bible. He may have helped prepare the Geneva Bible, and much of his translation was later incorporated into the King James Version.

This new availability of Scripture had a revolutionary impact on many people. But some opposed Coverdale’s work. At least twice, he had to flee England for his life, and he even was imprisoned.

Men like Coverdale dedicated their lives to bringing us the Bible in a language we can understand. They understood that God’s Word is powerful. It provides the standards by which we need to base our lives.

In the Old Testament, the Law was considered to be so important that God said the king of Israel was to write his own copy and “read it all the days of his life,” that he would fear God and follow His laws.

Today, the world needs men and women who are dedicated to God’s Word. Make sure that His Word is the foundation for your life. Base your life on the Bible. Read it. Memorize it. And pray that God would raise up leaders who have that same commitment to His Word.