Love for the Lonely

Love for the Lonely

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

In his book about the American frontier, author Louis Fairchild described how lonely life was for many 19th-century Texas settlers. While land was plentiful, many lived in relative isolation. Overwhelmed and alone.

In 1880 when the first census was taken of the Texas panhandle, only 1,600 people were counted in one 25,000-square-mile region. In fact, six counties had no inhabitants at all.

Settlers could spend months without seeing anyone outside their own family. They readily welcomed visitors, eager for the opportunity to interact.

In this atmosphere, many found hope by turning to God. They discovered that He was with them, even when no one else was there. They longed to gather together to fellowship, to worship God, and to study His Word. On many occasions, revivals broke out.

In our modern world, loneliness still is a major problem. We can escape into our own homes, ignorant of the pains others may suffer behind closed doors. We may try to fill the silences with the media, music, or phone interactions. But our hearts still crave Christian fellowship and the love of Christ.

Ask God to help you be sensitive to the needs of the people around you. Be ready to reach out, give encouragement, and show His love. Let Him use you to change lives. Don’t crowd Him out of your schedule. Spend time alone with Him! Develop a more intimate relationship right where you are.