Love for Sinners

Love for Sinners

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

The Pharisees had clear ideas about the people they should associate with. But Jesus thought they were wrong. Contrary to their expectations, He reached out to all kinds of people. Ordinary men and women who had flaws.

Jesus explained that He came not to call “the righteous, but sinners.” The Pharisees seemed to feel that they already were “righteous.” They had everything figured out. They were too proud to realize that they, too, were just sinners. They, too, were flawed.

The Bible reminds us that all of us “have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). We are saved not because we are perfect, but even though we are imperfect and need to be forgiven. We only are saved because of Jesus and His finished work.

We reach out with the Gospel not because we are perfect, but because we want others to experience the same forgiveness, peace, and blessings we have found in Jesus.

Are there any people who irritate or frustrate you? Who say or do things with which you disagree? Just remember that you, too, are imperfect. Jesus didn’t call people who are perfect but imperfect. Not people with all the answers but people who need answers. Even people who make mistakes.

Today, thank God that He accepts you and forgives your sins. That He loves you just the way you are. Seek to show His love for everyone. Even the unlovely. Even sinners.