Love and Faithfulness

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

The book of Micah closes with a vivid portrait of God. This portrait reveals much about His heart and character. Yes, He is our Judge. He is holy and pure, and He cannot tolerate the presence of sin. He promises judgment for those who sin, rebel against Him, and disobey His Word.

But the Lord also is filled with mercy, desiring to forgive those who confess their sins and seek His forgiveness. He “pardons iniquity and passes over the rebellious act.” He may be angry for a season, but “He does not retain His anger forever.”

Even more than that, Micah tells us that God will take aggressive action to cleanse us of our sins. He “will tread our iniquities under foot” and cast our sins “into the depths of the sea.”

God expressed this love when He sent Jesus to die for our sins. Through Jesus, we can experience complete freedom and forgiveness. Our guilt and sins can be washed away, and we can enjoy unbroken fellowship with Him.

Micah says God does this because He delights in “unchanging love.” The Hebrew word here indicates not just love, but also kindness and mercy, goodness and faithfulness. It tells us that God is steadfast and completely reliable. He is filled with a deep and boundless love. He never changes. He is kind and merciful, and He is always faithful.

Today, think about these attributes of God. Meditate on His love and compassion, His kindness and mercy. Remember: He truly cares about you! He is faithful. You can trust everything in your life to Him.