Like a Father

Like a Father

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries1 Minutes

In many ways, Paul acted like a father to Timothy. When we study the New Testament, we find Timothy almost everywhere. In several of Paul’s letters, Timothy is right there as a cowriter, or Paul’s messenger, or the subject of his concern. Of course, the Bible includes two of Paul’s letters directly to Timothy.

This presence demonstrates the vital role Timothy played in spreading the Gospel. Why was he so important to Paul and to the early church?

Paul called him “a true son in the faith.” Their relationship was that close! Timothy was sold out to the Gospel and consistently accepted every assignment. Moreover, he was a man Paul could trust. And he always seemed to have the attitude of a servant.

Because he was so trustworthy and dependable, Paul gave him many sensitive, important assignments. Many times, Paul made him his personal emissary. In addition, he was flexible. Not focused on his own agenda, he was humble and willing to go wherever he was needed. And when others seemed to desert Paul, Timothy was right there.

What can you learn from Timothy’s life? Like Timothy, seek to be humble and committed to God’s Kingdom, sold out for the Gospel, dependable, and ready to serve.

Today, submit your life to God. Ask Him how you can serve Him. Remember, you have been blessed, so you can be a blessing.