Life’s Battles

Life’s Battles

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries1 Minutes

Historian Shelby Foote called Shiloh “the first great modern battle.” It was intense, fought in a relatively small area, and “resembled Armageddon.”

The fighting began on the morning of April 6, 1862, when Confederate troops struck unprepared Union soldiers camped near the Tennessee River. The attack appeared successful, but eventually the Union troops rallied, and a stalemate resulted.

The violence continued with the death toll mounting until the Confederate forces withdrew. The two-day battle produced more than 23,000 casualties. It was the bloodiest battle in American history up to that time.

Going into battle, many Confederates brimmed with confidence, expecting victory. But the results were more complex and less successful than they expected. Their past successes made them overconfident.

Some found their confidence waning as it became clear that a decisive victory had eluded them. As Foote concluded, many soldiers “lost their awe of great men.”

It was a reminder of the horrors of war and the fickle ways of battle. It was the price of overconfidence and the many factors that can influence an outcome. It also was a reminder that even great generals are human.

As we face life’s battles, we need to stay humble and not be overconfident. We need to continually pray about the matters we face and remain committed to God’s wisdom. We need to seek His plans and strategies and trust in Him.