Knowledge of the Lord

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

The cry of every believer should be that “the earth will be full of knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.” In Isaiah’s prophecy, ultimately this will be time when “a shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse,” when traditional enemies will live together in harmony, and when “a little child will lead them.”

Instead of looking to high-profile people with impressive resumes and abundant earthly resources, child-like purity will be paramount. It will be more important to trust in God completely. To know Him intimately. To stand firmly on His Word.

While this promise literally may be fulfilled when Jesus comes again, this can be our focus right now! Each of us can cry for His knowledge to cover the world, and every part of our lives.

If God reigns in our hearts, we will want to be filled with His knowledge. We will desire to live a life of purity and righteousness. We will be consumed with His Word and driven by a passion to seek His Kingdom. And we will dedicate our lives to bringing the Gospel to people everywhere.

Today, make sure that you are seeking first God’s Kingdom and sensitive to the leading of His Spirit. Surrender your life anew to Him and make Jesus your Lord. Commit your ways to Him, and depend on Him. Trust Him. Make it your heart’s cry to know Him more intimately. To know more of His Word. To seek His will in everything you do.