April 5, 2024

Joy in Serving God

Daily Devotional2 Minutes

“But rejoice, all who take refuge in You, sing for joy forever! And may You shelter them, that those who love Your name may rejoice in You. For You bless the righteous person, LORD.”—Psalm 5:11–12 NASB

Sergei Rachmaninoff dreamed of becoming a composer. When he was only 19, he graduated from the Moscow Conservatory, winning a gold medal for his opera Aleko. Despite these successes, he struggled with self-doubt and had bouts of depression. In particular, he suffered wounds from critical comments after the debut of his first symphony.

After the Russian Revolution of 1917, he left his homeland, dividing his time between homes in Switzerland and the United States. Although still dreaming of concentrating on composing, he spent much of his life as a conductor and a pianist.

Looking back, he once reflected, “I have never been able to make up my mind as to what was my true calling.” He admitted being constantly troubled that “in venturing into too many fields, I may have failed to make the best use of my life.”

Many people, including many Christians, face the same kind of uncertainty and question the decisions they have made. They aren’t sure how to spend their time and energy. The Bible makes clear that God wants us to be able to trust in Him and be at peace, to be filled with joy, not doubt and uncertainty, and to know He will guide us.

Today, remember that God loves you and has a plan for your life. Commit your way to Him and let Him direct your path. Then serve Him faithfully in every situation you face with all your energy.

Reflection Question: How do you plan to spend your time and talents for God this week?

Father, show me clearly the path You want me to take in my life. I commit my time, talents, and treasures to You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Psalm 5

Father, show me clearly the path You want me to take in my life. I commit my time, talents, and treasures to You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Psalm 5