Jesus Is Risen

Jesus Is Risen!

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries1 Minutes

While recovering from an illness, Charles Wesley started reading the Bible. The result was a life-changing encounter with God. He later described how he “found [himself ] at peace with God and rejoiced in the hope of loving Christ.”

Soon, he began writing hymns. One of the first was called “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today,” written for the first service in the Foundry Meeting House in London.

In this hymn, Wesley expressed the joy he felt because of Jesus’ resurrection: “Christ, the Lord, is risen today. Sons of men and angels say, raise your joys and triumphs high, sing, ye heavens, and earth, reply.” An editor later added “alleluia” to each line, which is how this hymn has been sung for more than 200 years.

Wesley wanted us to share in celebrating our risen Savior. He wrote, “Hymns of praise then let us sing, unto Christ, our heavenly King, who endured the cross and grave, sinners to redeem and save.”

Wesley had experienced peace with God and was grateful for Jesus’ finished work on the cross. Jesus had won the battle. You, too, can experience peace with God because of Jesus’ resurrection.

Today, celebrate the victory that Jesus won for you when He rose from the dead! He defeated death, the devil, sin, and every disease. As the angel said to the women at the tomb, “Do not be afraid.” Jesus has risen! Hallelujah!