

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries1 Minutes

When the Bible talked about security, the word “established” is often used. The Hebrew word suggests standing firm, being prepared, being ready to face any situation, and refusing to compromise. This stability allows us to be confident regardless of what is happening. But how do we achieve this security? This confidence?

Many people feel that they will be secure when they become successful when they have accumulated more wealth or achieved fame. To achieve these things, some develop devious plans or form alliances with unprincipled people. Others think they can justify anything to attain their goals. But the Bible warns that we “will not be established by wickedness” (v. 3).

What is the root condition of security? Being “righteous” (v. 3). This means concentrating on doing what is right in God’s sight. As we obey God and please Him, we can be freed from shaking, slipping, and instability. Then, we “will not be moved” (v. 3).

To achieve this stability, we need to be anchored in God’s Word. Trust in Him. Be driven by a passion to serve Him. Be sensitive to His Spirit. Be concerned about eternal things. Be dedicated to His kingdom.

God wants you to be secure, but this world is unstable. The way to achieve security is to trust completely in Him. Fill your mind with His Word. Focus on doing what is right. Then you will have an immovable root.