God’s Timeless Plans

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

Looking into the future, it is natural to be filled with questions. We can be uncertain and even worried. Gazing into this dark unknown, we might be tempted to develop plans based on our own expectations and what we think might happen. But experience teaches that our plans often do not work out, and events often unfold in ways that we could not have anticipated.

Yet, in spite of these timeless trends, many people still trust in themselves and rely upon their own ideas. Instead of trusting in God, they pursue their personal desires. Even Believers can fail to trust or seek Him.

Many people say they trust the Lord, but, in reality, they are holding back. They’re not really willing to obey His Word or do things His way.

Others might think they are seeking Him. Yet, if they were honest, they would realize that they still tend to follow their own plans and the patterns of the world.

God offers us wisdom that always is true, for His counsel “stands forever.” His plans cannot be thwarted. They do not change. This is wisdom that never fails, a perspective that is perfect.

The Bible is filled with promises about God’s desire to bless and direct us—to give us the wisdom we need. But ultimately the choice is ours. If we decide to ignore Him and reject His Word, He will allow us to go our own way. But He’s always ready to welcome us back and bless us when we trust in Him.

When we live in accordance with the Lord’s plans, we find true fulfillment. We experience His peace, and we’re freed from doubt, worry, and fear!

Today, make a commitment to trust God with your life. Seek His plans for every situation you face, and live according to His will.