July 29, 2022

God’s Standards

Daily Devotional2 Minutes

“There they shall set the most holy things … for the place is holy. When the priests enter, they shall not go out into the outer courtyard from the sanctuary without laying their garments there in which they minister, for they are holy.” – Ezekiel 42:13-14 NASB

It had been hundreds of years since God gave the Law, and hundreds more since the first temple was built. Years later when His people were exiled in Babylon, God gave Ezekiel a vision about the temple.

Everyone knew that conditions had changed. Some might have argued that it was time to do things differently, and that God’s Laws might not have been relevant. But God’s vision emphasized that He had not changed. His standards remained the same.

We see this truth regarding His priests. God had told Moses that they were to be “holy” (Leviticus 21:6) and wear special garments (Exodus 28:2-4). The vision God gave to Ezekiel confirmed that He still expected His priests to be holy. Even the rooms where they lived were holy.

Today we face a whole new series of changes. Many believe that the Bible is no longer relevant, and that we need to compromise and live according to new realities. However, as the message He gave to Ezekiel confirms, God does not change. He is holy. His standards are the same. His Word is eternally true.

Jesus taught that some are “foolish,” and build their house on the sand. They are not prepared for the storms of life. But those who are “wise” build their lives on the Rock – God’s timeless Word. They are ready for changing times (Matthew 7:24-27).

Don’t compromise. Be bold and strong. Build your life on God’s Word!

Reflection Question: How are you ensuring that your life is built upon the solid Rock of Christ?




Father, cleanse me of sin. Help me to be acceptable in Your sight. Help me to live according to Your Word. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Ezekiel 42

Father, cleanse me of sin. Help me to be acceptable in Your sight. Help me to live according to Your Word. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Ezekiel 42