God’s Plans

God’s Plans

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries1 Minutes

When he heard what God planned, Jonah resisted and ran away. But God brought him back through the belly of a great fish. Humbled, he emerged ready to obey and faithfully went to proclaim coming judgment to Nineveh – unless they repented.

Then, something amazing happened! The people actually heeded Jonah’s warning and repented – even the king. As a demonstration of His amazing mercy, God did not send judgment. Instead, there was a revival!

We might assume Jonah would have been pleased. Because of his ministry, thousands had responded and turned to God. But Jonah was not prepared for this outcome. He seemed puzzled and angry, feeling that God had made him appear foolish.

Jonah had followed God’s direction to preach in Nineveh, but he remained primarily concerned about his personal reputation. It seems he would have been more pleased if the judgment had come as he had prophesied.

His reaction reminds us of how easily we can develop our own interpretations. Even when we think we are serving God, we sometimes are dominated by our own desires.

Jonah’s story is a reminder that we always need to submit our ways to God and seek to do His will. We should acknowledge Him, confident that He will direct our path.

Commit your life anew to God. Submit everything to Him. Seek to be faithful to His call and follow His plans, wherever they might lead. Trust Him!