God’s Perspective

God’s Perspective

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries1 Minutes

The psalmist felt that God had rejected His people. His enemies had left a path of destruction. As he looked around, he did not sense God’s presence; His voice seemed silent. Although nothing seemed to have changed, eventually he realized that God still was there.

He cried out to God to act. Humbling himself, he asked God to act for the sake of His name, acknowledging how weak the Israelites were without Him. And he called on God to remember His covenant and His promises.

It is easy for us to become caught up in our own problems. We tend to look at events and reach our subjective conclusions. We often forget that God has a plan for the world and our lives. We tend not to remember that He still is sovereign, no matter how things might appear.

If we worry, we can find peace when we trust Him. We can find fulfillment and meaning when we serve Him and make Jesus our Lord. Peace reigns when we submit our lives to Him.

Today, ask God to give you discernment about the battles you face. What is He trying to accomplish? What are His goals? The Bible assures us that you can be confident in Him.

Commit your burdens to Him. Seek Him about your questions and problems. Cry out to Him for wisdom. And surrender your life to Him.