March 21, 2024

God’s Dimensions

Daily Devotional2 Minutes

Strength and sound wisdom are with Him. One who goes astray and one who leads astray belong to Him. He makes advisers walk barefoot and makes fools of judges.—Job 12:16–17 NASB

Each of Job’s friends was convinced he had the only correct way of understanding what happened to him. Job, too, had his own conclusions. Yet going through his ordeal, he was forced to look at life in new ways.

Through the process, Job realized how easy it can be to develop explanations that make sense to us and support our own opinions. We can easily develop biases and prejudices that may not be true.

Grappling with life’s complications, Job was driven to dig deeper and develop a deeper perspective. He began to understand more about God: He could make some articulate, or render them speechless. He could give wisdom, or bestow confusion and folly.

Studying the book of Job, we realize our human limits. Regardless of how confident we may feel, we must realize how imperfect we are! We need God’s wisdom. We owe everything to Him. We have the greatest peace when we realize He is sovereign over our lives.

Through His grace, we can have a personal relationship with Him. We can know that Jesus died for our sins. We can be filled with His Spirit and experience His peace and direction.

Today, submit your life to God. Ask Him to give you discernment for His plans for you. Seek His wisdom and trust Him.

Reflection Question: What happens when you rely on your perceptions instead of God’s?

Father, open my heart and mind to understand more of Your truth. Show me where I have been closed minded. Teach me. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Job 12

Father, open my heart and mind to understand more of Your truth. Show me where I have been closed minded. Teach me. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Job 12