From Heaven Above

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

Martin Luther thought about his young son, Hans. It was 1531, and Luther, the great reformer, pondered how Hans might grasp the truths about Jesus’ birth.

He decided to write a song for the whole family to sing that Christmas. We know this as “From Heaven Above to Earth I Come” (based on the translation of Catherine Winkworth).

Luther wrote about the “glad tidings of great joy,” about the night when a “little Child, of lowly birth” was born to Mary, and how this Child would free us from sin and bring salvation and joy to all the earth. This baby was “Christ our God.”

The birth of Jesus, Luther wrote, had been prepared by God long ago so that all could share His Kingdom. Now all can “follow the shepherds” and see the “wondrous gift” God has given: “His only Son.”

Luther wrote with amazement how God sent Jesus to be born in a humble place: “Were earth a thousand times as fair, beset with gold and jewels rare, she yet were far too poor to be a narrow cradle, Lord, for Thee.” Here we see the King as a baby, lying in “hay and straw so rough.”

This is a message for everyone. Each of us needs to invite Jesus into our heart. This changes everything about our lives, and we can’t keep silent. As Luther wrote, “I too must sing, with joyful tongue,” giving “glory to God in highest Heaven.”

Today, think about how Jesus has changed your life. Be grateful and filled with joy! Jesus came into this world. He came for you!