August 8, 2022

Found Deficient

Daily Devotional2 Minutes

“This is the interpretation of the matter … You have been weighed in the balances and found wanting … your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians.” – Daniel 5:26-28 ESV

The Dutch artist Rembrandt had a profound knowledge of the Bible and frequently turned to the Bible for inspiration. He also sought to bring a fresh perspective to familiar stories.

In 1635, he turned to the story of Belshazzar’s feast for a powerful painting. Historian Paul Johnson observed that Rembrandt invested his painting “with a breathless excitement.”

Instead of focusing on the masses attending the feast, Rembrandt brings us into the intimacy of the moment Belshazzar confronted God’s mysterious message written by a finger. The king’s eyes are mesmerized. We feel his shock. A handful of onlookers share his amazement.

Rembrandt portrayed the king’s lavish wardrobe, a glorious crown, and vessels perhaps taken from the temple in Jerusalem. Rembrandt focused particularly on the gold, which became a symbol of Belshazzar’s life. It was all for nothing!

No one knew the meaning of the words until Daniel was summoned. He gave the sobering interpretation: The king had been arrogant. It was time to face God and give an account of his life.

This painting reminds us that many people are like Belshazzar, consumed by temporary pleasures and not realizing they will face God and be judged for how they spent their lives or what they do with their resources. Make sure you are ready to face God. Humble yourself before Him. Surrender your life to Him anew.

Reflection Question: Do you need to alter how you’re spending your life and resources?




Father, I humble myself before You. I seek first Your Kingdom. I dedicate all I have to You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Daniel 5

Father, I humble myself before You. I seek first Your Kingdom. I dedicate all I have to You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Today's Bible Reading
Daniel 5