Focused and Faithful

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

The disciples were in awe of Jesus. This is clear in the letters they wrote to other Believers who had never known Him in the flesh. They were impacted by the way He reacted to problems and managed to stay focused and faithful.

Peter, for example, described how Jesus was not concerned with justifying His actions or manipulating the crowds. When attacked, He never retaliated, but was determined to obey the Father and complete His mission. He never threatened His attackers.

Jesus could be this focused because His life was pure. Referring to Isaiah 53:9, Peter said that He had no “craftiness” and never tried to trick or deceive anyone. He was honest and transparent. He was subject to careful scrutiny as others sought to distract Him. But because He was pure and trusted in the Father, He was free from worry. He knew that the Father was the perfect judge and would exercise perfect justice.

How easily we can find ourselves distracted by people around us. We can become defensive or be trapped into trying to trick or deceive others, to retaliate or seek revenge, to manipulate circumstances for our benefit. But God wants us to follow the example set by Jesus—to “do good, even if it means suffering, just as Christ suffered for you,” to recognize that Jesus now is “your Shepherd, the Guardian of your souls” (vs. 21, 25).

In your life, seek to be pure and free from the burden of sin. Be at peace with God. Let His Spirit flow through you. Don’t give in to worry or fear, but trust Him! Believe His promises. Be faithful to His call on your life, and fulfill His assignment for you.