
Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

The images race past us. We encounter scenes in our homes and neighborhoods, and in our churches and businesses. There are countless images from TV programs, ads, social media, and websites. Although we cannot control all of this information that comes into our minds, we can control what we focus on.

The Bible encourages us to place our attention on things that have strong, unmistakable, redeeming qualities. Instead of temporary escapes or momentary pleasures, our focus should be on the attributes of a lifestyle pleasing to God and leading to a more rewarding life.

Our thoughts should not be on gossip or rumors, but on things that encourage truthfulness. Our meditation should be on things that are honorable, rather than degrading or dehumanizing.

Our words should build people up instead of tear them down. We should focus on the Lord and His commands, always celebrating His standards and character traits. We should emulate the characteristics endorsed by the Bible, living a life that honors and pleases God.

We’re to think about things that are pure—sensitive to issues of morality and virtue, avoiding anything corrupt or that encourages compromise. We’re to think about things that are lovely, commendable, and excellent.

Realizing that we are the people of God, we must strive to be the best, and do the best, for He made everything “very good” (Genesis 1:31). And we must focus on things that are worthy of praise. We are called to “think about” and “focus” our thoughts on these things (Extended Bible).

Today, remember the choices you have. Ask God for His discernment and strength, that you might focus on the right things.