Fire of Revival

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

Theodore Frelinghuysen had a mission: To minister to the Dutch families in northern New Jersey. Arriving in 1720 from his home in the Netherlands, he quickly learned that the Christians in America particularly Dutch settlers had become complacent.

Their religious life was focused on preserving their heritage and following rituals rather than having a dynamic relationship with God. They were more concerned about their personal lives instead of living for Him.

Frelinghuysen challenged these believers that this superficial religion was not enough. They needed to have a real relationship with God, not just a form of religion. He reminded them that God was holy, and that they needed to rid their lives of sin and anything that displeased Him. He called on them to seek God with their whole hearts.

Many people resisted his message, but soon hearts began to melt. Coldness was replaced by a zealous love of God. Revival broke out. This became the spark that led to the “Great Awakening” that shook America and the world throughout the eighteenth century.

Today, the world needs the same kind of revival. Millions of souls are dying without even hearing about Jesus. Yet many Christians are complacent, more concerned with themselves than with God’s Kingdom. Many are lukewarm and do not have a dynamic relationship with Him.

How about you? Are you complacent? Do you have an intimate relationship with God? Dedicate your life to Him. Ask Him to fill you anew with His Spirit, to give you the fire of the Spirit, to be passionate about serving Him. Ask Him to change your life! And pray for revival.