Early, Solitary Prayer

Early, Solitary Prayer

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries1 Minutes

Jesus knew it was critical to find time to be alone with His Father. He made this a priority. He often prayed in the morning. In fact, the Greek words here suggest that He prayed a long time before daylight. We can picture the moment: While others were asleep, Jesus was alone in the dark, talking with His Father.

Where did He go? To a lonely, desolate place. Why? Because He wanted to be away from people and distractions, where He truly could be alone to pray.

How many believers have this kind of dedication to prayer? How easily we can allow prayer to become a secondary priority and to pray when it is convenient for us.

But if we want to hear from God and draw closer to Him, we need to follow Jesus’ example and find times when we will not be interrupted, when there is an opportunity to hear from God and spend time in fellowship with Him. We need to find a place to pray where we can be freed from congestion and noise.

Remember that God longs to spend time with you. He is ready to speak to you, teach you His Word, give you wisdom, help you solve your problems, and relieve your burdens. Make it a priority to seek Him and to be alone with Him when and where you can concentrate on Him, and He can speak to you.