
Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

“Moses reported this to the Israelites, but they did not listen to him because of their discouragement and cruel bondage.” Exodus 6:9 NIV

The Israelites felt hopeless. After living in Egypt for generations, they faced massive “discouragement.” The Hebrew word, used just once in the Bible, also suggests impatience.

Even though God had promised to deliver them, they couldn’t see beyond their present circumstances or the mountain of problems in their way. They found it difficult to trust in God or wait for His help. They were in despair, so obsessed that they would not even listen when Moses brought an encouraging word from God.

We know that God had not forgotten them. He already had sent the answer. He was far greater than their oppressors. They simply needed to trust and believe Him, to walk by faith, and obey His Word.

But they could not get past their circumstances. How easily this can happen to any of us. How often we can feel shackled by problems, and be prisoners to our fears and worries. The problems we face can have such a firm hold on our lives that we can find it difficult to listen to God or wait on His help.

As we face life’s problems, we need to learn from these Israelites. Not to be dominated by circumstances. Never to feel hopeless, no matter how hopeless the situation might seem. We need to call on Him and believe that He has heard us. And we must listen to Him and remember His Word with listening ears and attentive hearts.

Seek to deepen your relationship with God. Remember that He is greater than any problem you face, and He knows what you are going through. In every situation, place your trust in Him.


Prayer: Father, thank You that You are with me. Thank You for Your joy and peace. You know the future. I will be encouraged because I trust in You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.